October 30, 2012

One Week ... YELL FIRE


I love politics.

Election season is my favorite time of the year!

Yes, I'm being serious!

Voted ... BOOSH!

I love everything about it. The electricity. The passion. The discussions and debates. Standing on the brink of change and claiming a voice. Revolution. Ahhh, I really do love this time of year.

sending my voice through the USPS this year

I've been relatively quiet as far as this election season goes; I don't think I've blogged a single thing about it yet. I don't like being judgmental and divisive, and I haven't yet figured out how to not be both during this particular election. I think Romney is an entitled smug elitist prick, and I haven't yet figured out a way to tone that down. With only a week left I think it's safe to say that "toning it down" will not be something I am going to attain, so blog as is I shall.

Romney is an entitled smug elitist prick!
How is this race so goddamned close?

I've read so many blogs, news articles, oped pieces, etc on this "romney love" that is sweeping a great many of you ... and I can't help but scratch my head. He is so out of touch with the average American. And quite frankly, "so out of touch" is the understatement of the century when it comes to this guy. Sheltered doesn't even begin to describe him.

Romney will not be leading us into the future, he'll be giving us a giant shove back into our past.
As though history has taught us nothing. As though the lack of learning from our history's history has taught us nothing.

This election has become too big.
The Supreme Court is at stake
Civil Rights are at stake.

Even people who are not religiously or personally against specific rights (which is a whole 'nother post for a whole 'nother time), are still choosing to not fight in favor of them.

Many of you shrug your shoulders on gay rights, because "well, I'm not gay, so who cares".
Many of you shrug your shoulders on women's right, because "well, I'm not a woman, so who cares".

"Romney wont increase taxes and wont touch my money, so since this/these specific civil right(s) don't affect me ... I'm voting for money".

That is an asshole move!

You are a human, right? Fight for HUMAN rights. If we don't constantly push to move forward on human rights; if we allow slack in the line because "this specific right doesn't affect me, so I don't give a shit"; if we allow this country to take a step (or seventeen) back ... when will it end?

You want to believe that our country has gone downhill because "God" is getting further and further "pushed out"? Voting for money over people couldn't possibly have anything to do with our moral decline, right?

And for a guy who is so out of touch.

  • 47% of this country are moochers and he doesn't care about their vote
  • corporations are people and should have rights
  • middle income is 200,000 to 250,000
  • "the gays" are having children ??
  • in all his years as a 'business man" he never met a single qualified woman; had to resort to having binders of them sent to him from speciality groups.
  • thinks he can relate to struggling out of work Americans by saying "i'm actually unemployed at the moment, too".
  • endorses crazy ass fucks (of the men variety) who actually say, out loud, things like "pregnancy born out of rape is gods will".

Do I need to continue?

Again ... "out of touch" is the understatement of the century!
And again I ask ... how is this election so fucking close?

Yell Fire ~Michael Franti
A revolution never come with a warnin'
A revolution never sends you an omen
A revolution just arrived like the mornin'
Ring the alarm, we come to wake up the snorin'

They tellin' you to never worry about the future
They tellin' you to never worry about the torture
They tellin you that you'll never see the horror
Spend it all today and we will bill you tomorrow

Three piece suits and bank accounts in Bahamas
Wall Street crime will never send you to the slammer
Tell all the children in the arms of their mommas
The F-15 is a homicide bomber

TV commercials for a popping pill culture
Drug companies circling like a vulture
An Iraqi babies with a G.I. Joe father
Ten years from now is anybody gonna bother?

Yell fire, yo, yo, yo, yo
Yell fire, yo, yo, yo, yo
Yell fire, yo, yo, yo, yo
Yell fire, yo, yo, yo, yo

A revolution never come with a warnin'
A revolution never sends you an omen
A revolution never come with a warnin'
A revolution

Everyone addicted to the same nicotine
Everyone addicted to the same gasoline
Everyone addicted to a Technicolor scream
Everybody trying to get their hands on same green

From the banks of the river to the banks of the greedy
All of the riches taken back by needy
[From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/m/michael-franti-lyrics/yell-fire-lyrics.html ]
We come from the country and we come from the city
You play us on the record, you can play us on the CD

All the shit you given us is fertilizer
The seeds that you planted you can never brutalize them
Tell the corporation you can never globalize it
Like Peter Tosh said, 'Legalize It'

Girls and boys hear the bass and treble
Rumble in the speakers and it make you wanna rebel
Throw your hands up, take it to another level
And you can never, ever, ever make a deal with the devil

Yell fire, yo, yo, yo, yo
Yell fire, yo, yo, yo, yo
Yell fire, yo, yo, yo, yo
Yell fire, yo, yo, yo, yo

Throw your hands up
Throw your hands up
Just throw your hands up
Throw your hands up

A revolution never come with a warnin'
A revolution never sends you an omen
A revolution never come with a warnin'

Yell fire, yo, yo, yo, yo
Yell fire, yo, yo, yo, yo
Yell fire, yo, yo, yo, yo
Yell fire, yo, yo, yo, yo

A revolution never come with a warnin'
A revolution never sends you an omen
A revolution just arrives like the mornin'
Ring the alarm, we come to wake up the snorin'

Yell fire, yo, yo, yo
Here we come, here we come
A revoution'll come
Put 'em up, put 'em up

October 21, 2012

Sunday's Songbird ... Confessions

So, if babies can bring me out of a blogging hiatus;
boobs can definitely keep me around!

Sunday's Songbird is back!
and in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month,
we'll (re)kickstart things off with this fine little diddy ...

Confessions  ~Tim Minchin
This first movement is called:

I believe that women have the right
To walk the streets at night
And not be afraid for their lives
I believe that a woman has the right
To choose what happens to her body
Without suffering the judgement
Of the conservative right

And I believe that women have the right
to wear the clothes they like
Without being treated like dirt
And I believe we men are pathetic
how we seem to judge aesthetic
As the measure of a woman's worth
I'm ashamed on behalf of my sex
For making women feel like objects

Fuck I love boobs though
I just really love them
Fuck I love boobs though
I just wanna rub them
They're just so jooby 
They make me feel groovy
I would rather watch boobs than a movie
Be doop be doo. 
I just really like boobs.

And this second movement is called:
Poverty (altruism)

I believe people are entitled to basic human rights
Whether they are rich or they're poor
I believe a world where no children are starving
Is a world worth fighting for
And I try to remind myself
Even when I'm struggling
How incredibly lucky I am
And I don't think it's ok
That the luxuries I crave
Should come at the expense of my fellow man
I'm sure I could give a little more
To alleviate the suffering of the poor.

Fuck I love boobs though
I just really love them
I don't really mind if I am behind
Below or above them
They're just so jubbly
They make me feel lovely
I'd rather own boobs than a pub, be
Doop be doop doop doo doo doo
I really love boobs

The third movement:

I believe the that planet we live in
Is a living organism
And we must treat her carefully
I don't think we can assume
We can just go on consuming
Her resources indefinitely
The world's not a bottomless pit
And we can all do our little bit

Fuck I love boobs though
I just really care for 'em
They're equally fun
When they're aged 21
Or octogenarian
They're just so flappy
They make me feel happy
I'd rather eat boobs than a bap, be
Doop be doo
I just really love boobs

Evolutionary theory says bosoms are buttock-like protrusions
Designed to tempt men in situations
When they can't get a glimpse of your bum
I find such hypotheses dumb
It's like the one that says
Lipstick is for making your lips look more
Like the lips of a happy vagina
Since they said that
I can't look my great aunt
In the eye
Why'd they have to say that, oh why?

From that first little suck of colostrum
To the grope of the the nurse in the old people's hostel
We're just fucking monkeys in shoes
And I
Will always love boobs
I will always love boobs

October 16, 2012

Grateful for Loss

Today is Pregnancy and Early Infant Loss Remembrance Day. 
I lit a candle for the three precious babes I never had the pleasure of meeting. 
I lit a candle honoring these sweet souls, but I wasn't sad that they weren't here. 

We started trying for our second child when our first was a year old. We had three early miscarriages before I was able, again, to carry a baby to term. At the time it was devastating, and frustrating, and I wished it away. I questioned it, and cursed it, and sunk into an abyss of dark confusion.

It makes perfect sense to me now, though. 
Rylan was meant to be in our lives; he just wasn't ready yet. 
And in the meantime ... 
My body was letting me know I was still capable of carrying a baby. 

We went to different doctors requesting testing and options, but we were denied because we already had a child, which proved we both "worked"... coupled with the fact that I was still "able" to get pregnant (my body was just terminating any said pregnancy pretty quickly). They didn't seem concerned about that last part. We were told we would have to be trying for a minimum of 2 years before they'd entertain the idea of taking us on as patients. Gotta love the ego of medical professionals, right? It was frustrating. I couldn't understand how and why I kept losing our babies. I couldn't understand why the doctors wouldn't do anything/offer anything. I cried; every day. Praying for something. Anything.

But Rylan wasn't ready yet.

Had any of our other pregnancies been carried to term; Rylan wouldn't be in our lives.

And the Doctors. The frustrating doctors who seemed callous, as I sat crying on their tables while they said "Sorry Ma'am, but there is nothing we're going to do for you at this time; come back in a year". I hated them! But they did keep us from pursuing other avenues of getting pregnant/bringing a second child into our home during those two years. And as it turned out ... Rylan was conceived ON the 2 year mark; he knew what he was doing! 

So I lit a candle for the three amazing little souls who came into my life in the exact ways they were meant to; carrying out the exact purpose they were meant to. 
They forced me to stand in patience while Rylan got ready. 

I lit a candle for them today, and I smiled. 

And then I squeezed tight the 3 sweet souls that found their way here, and have blessed my life in ways I could never have imagined. 

My life is whole, 
and perfect.