December 7, 2007

Day 14 Juice Fast/Feast

Posted by meli on Friday, December 07, 2007 in , | No comments
Wooo, 2 weeks!! I'm feeling really good today. I'd been out of spirits, again, for the past couple of days. Things at home were a bit tense there for a while, and that left me stressed out. It made the temptation of foods that much more difficult. I had food on the brain, and that's hard to shake. I stayed strong by reminding myself of my reasons for doing this, and now today I'm feeling a renewed sense of excitement again!

week TWO progress report

-weight - 119.0 (down 5.4 lbs)
-skin - not much improvement this week
-energy - I physically had a TON of energy this week, but mentally, I just wasn't "here". Outside forces were getting to me.
-I'm having a tough time getting in enough juice during the day. I have to work on that. And I REALLY have to work on getting enough water. There are days that I don't drink ANY water at all. I just can't find the time (or belly space, lol) to squeeze it all in.
-I think I'm going to start oil pulling again.

Day 14 Consumption

32 ounces - baby spring mix/carrot/apple
11 ounces - celery/tomato/lemon w 1/4 tsp spirulina & 1/4 tsp cayenne
36 ounces - spinach/carrot/apple/lemon w/ginger


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