March 5, 2008

(re) Introduction!!

Posted by meli on Wednesday, March 05, 2008 in , , | No comments

It occured to me today (after beign asked if I had a blog) that I really need to pick one blogging spot and stick to it. I have a few going on different sites (I really don't know why ? lol). It's getting to be a bit... much. Not too mention, I can never remember any of the addys (I usually just link) when asked, so that kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it? haa.
Sooo, - you're it!

I used this blog for my juice feast a few months back - that's it. So, it'll be like a clean start. Here's to happy bloggin'!

I'm going to start by summing up my life in a nutshell (I'll try anyway, I tend to be long winded, haa). My name is Melissa. I'm 28 years old, and happily married for the past 10 years (almost anyway, our 10 yr anniversary is on April 4th!) to my high school sweetheart, Nick, also 28. We have 3 beautiful, intelligent, amazing lil boys. Larson is 9, Rylan is 5, and Owen is 3. We're a military family living in Columbia, SC. We are raw vegans. We unschool. And we try to live our lives as "green" as we can, always striving for better. I'm sure the majority of this blog will be about those 3 topics ;-)

Think that's about it for now.

Peace Peeps!


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