December 6, 2009

Results Are In ...

Posted by meli on Sunday, December 06, 2009 in | 1 comment

NO spinal mass!!!
Such awesome news!

There IS a protrusion there, but the MRI concluded that it isn't a mass... instead it is most likely caused by the vertically herniated disk diverting the spinal fluid flow.

Such a relief!
So it's just the thyroid to worry about. The Dr has said it isn't an emergency, "must remove now", situation as it isn't rapidly growing. Surgery will be sometime soon after the new year.

In other thyroid news ...
I had my annual check up last week (and by annual I mean... this is the first check-up I've had in 5 years! Bad, I know :-P). So, we did the normal stuff. Pap came back fine (something I worry about because of family history, so I am extremely relieved that after 5 years of ignoring my fears, the tests came back fine), and we ran a panel of blood tests just to check stuff out.

I must preface this with what the Dr said to me during the exam...
Upon looking at my chart, she looked up at me with a surprising look and said...
"WOW, it's rare these days that I see a patient in here that is at healthy weight, do you do anything to maintain that or are you just blessed with good genes"?
To which I replied... "I focus a good deal on being healthy"

Ok, skip ahead to the call I received from her regarding the results from the lab work...
"Hi Mrs Paul (wish people would just call me Meli, lol), I just wanted to go over your lab results with you. Everything came back good, except for surprisingly your thyroid levels"!

WTF?! The irony... is it funny to anyone else?

Irony #1 ... we have the thyroid issues just discovered in my husband!
Irony #2 ... "my my, you're at such a healthy weight, it's rare I see that these days"!

Again I say ...WTF!?

She said my levels were high, which indicates a slow thyroid (hypothyroidism). She wants me to come back in a couple of weeks to have my levels retested, see if perhaps it was just a fluke or something, and we'll go from there. I had been under a great deal of stress, not really eating much as my stomach felt so upset, and I haven't been exercising as much as I used to, so it's possible all of that affected the results. Now that Nicks results are in (and the news was AWESOME) my stress level has greatly decreased, and my appetite is back. Coupled with me resuming regular exercise, and adding in some good thyroid rejuvenating foods, herbs, etc ... hopefully those levels will look better in a couple of week!

1 comment:

  1. That is a big relief about Nick - I really hope this will still be able to pull you guys together. But in the mean time- it looks like sea weed for you!

