November 30, 2007

Day 7 Juice Fast/Feast

Posted by meli on Friday, November 30, 2007 in , | No comments
week one progess
-feel lighter and more balenced
-skin is more clear (have had sebborheic dermatitis on my face for the past 13-14 years, and NOTHING I have tried has worked to clear it. You can definitely see a change, now. The redness is greatly reduced, as is the dryness/flakeyness.
-going through a bit of emotional detox
-weight is 121.4 (down 3.2lbs)

Day 7 Consumption
24 ounces - pineapple/apple/spinach/coconut milk w/ 1/1 TBS msm
16 ounces - orange/pear/carrot/sweet potato
24 ounces - parsley/cucumber/apple w/ 1/4 tsp tumeric & 1/4 tsp cayenne
1 TBS coconut oil
28 ounces - apple/pear/cucumber/celery/carrot w/ 1/2 TBS msm

As I stated above, I think I'm going through a bout of emotional detox. I'm an extremely emotional girl anyway, but today was a bit ... extra! I cried because the juicer wasn't put together this morning (it was drying in the rack because my husband just used it), I cried because there wasn't any cut up pineapple, I cried because the baby spinach leaves were falling all over the place as I was trying to put them down the chute... you get the picture, lol. Today was full of tears ... but it's all part of the process, and I'm really feeling great about cleansing my body from all sorts of toxins... physical, mental, emotional - ALL OF THEM!!!


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