June 6, 2011

Mac-Attack ... break it down!

Posted by meli on Monday, June 06, 2011 in , , , | No comments
setting up their new MacBook Pro's, baby! 

Holy Mother of Crap... 
is it Christmas? 
Or my Birthday?
Or Both?
Or something else entirely?
I think it's both; and more, too. 
Yea! Is it both and more?

Well, my boys ...
aaand iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii just wanna celebrate!
Who wants a new computer???

The back pay for the kids' portion of our social security disability compensation came in the other day, and we decided to take about 1/2 of it to buy them each a computer. We could have been practical, and you know ... put it in their savings, or used it to buy a new (used) car (ours is seriously considering screwing us one of these days; I can feel it), or possibly used it to figure out our living situation after next week ... but please! We're not really the "practical" type, lol!  

We really wanted to use this portion of the back pay for them; since technically it IS for them. Only seemed right. And we only used 1/2 of it, which means we can be practical with the other half ... if we want to, lol. 

We bought them a macbook computer to share this past Christmas/Hanukkah/Winter Solstice, but it turned out to be a dud (it's win or lose with craigslist), so they haven't gotten much use out of it. Larson is really expressing interest in making movies, and Rylan is eager to do more with photography and a blog (hello my mini me) ... they'll both be able to really delve into these passions and interests now with their own space. Owen is just excited to have his own apps on facebook so he can spend every cent he earns on the games without having to ask his brothers permission first. Score, buddy! He loves YouTube, too. I can see some of his videos going viral, ha!

Unschooling Rocks!!!

We're APPLE lovers 'round here, so they're all brand new macbook pros
with warranties; 
so no funny business diminishing their spirits this time.


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