February 14, 2011

Happy Heart Day

Posted by meli on Monday, February 14, 2011 in , | No comments

Ya know I really don't like this day.  Like really really don't like it! But, my kids love a holiday. ANY holiday will do. So I had to pull my stubborn head out of the sand, and make it great for them. Nick went back to work after having 9 days off, so unfortunately he wasn't around. 

The kids and I packed up and headed out to spend the day at the park ... soaking up the gorgeous warm sun and fresh air! Yes indeed, the sun can turn an otherwise miserable excuse for a Holiday into something wonderful. 

We had a great day together. 

checked the mail before heading out and found this shoved in there ... <3

we love his handmade cards

love capturing their special moments together

sweet, sweet sunshine
pants and tapestry can be found on soul-flower.com
LOVE them!

they were sorting out their club house news

the pooches love the sun just as much as we do

splashing through the creek with bare feet
the universal sign that spring is fast approaching!

soaking it up

a delicious ACV drink in the sun's beautiful rays
blowing in the wind

and the jumping starts with Morgan
a trend was had ...


Hope your Valentine's Day was filled with a warm overflowing heart, too ...
but more then that; I hope you know you are loved year round <3 !!!


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