February 12, 2011

VLOG #2 - #7 ... Liver / Gallbladder Flush

Posted by meli on Saturday, February 12, 2011 in , | No comments
Alright Lovelies,
We VLOGGED our step by step journey through this flush ... aren't you so excited?! lol

lol ... the nose pick; I was readjusting my nose piercing.

I remained "unhungry" the rest of the night; while Nick became a little moody because of lack of food. Score 1 for Epsom!

love that I got the hoops in the background! Woot for hooping. 

I just squeezed the grapefruit by hand. If you have one of those fancy citrus juicers ... you could have easily gotten over a cup out of just one good sized organic grapefruit. 

Still Super Sleepy, lol

I said that I used 1 cup apple juice and 2 cups water, but what I meant was 1 cup Orange Juice w/2cups water :-)  And incase we were being too subtle ... it's DISGUSTING! The OJ didn't help at all! lol


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