February 21, 2011

Mom & Larson storm the Alley

Posted by meli on Monday, February 21, 2011 in , | 1 comment

An afternoon date with my oldest son found us at the Bowling Alley. Can I get a woot!? We haven't been bowling in ages, so I thought it would be a nice surprise. And since most bowling alleys now prohibit smoking; I actually walked away without a headache. Can I get another woot?! It is absolutely wonderful being able to walk into an establishment, and not not feel like you're suffocating in the thick cloud of cigarette smoke that envelopes you. 

We had a really good time. We talked about music. I mean, when your Mom is dancing up and down the lane; music is bound to come up. And if music comes up with Larson, the conversation is going to mostly consist of Michael Jackson. We talked about Michaels style, Michaels songs (and Weird Al Yankovic's remake of some of those songs) Michaels moves, Michaels death ... but most importantly, while wearing bowling shoes, Larson was finally able to do the moon walk. A feat he's been trying to conquer in his sketchers since "forever". Yep, gimmie another "Woot" for the boy!  

We're excited to take the whole family out bowling sometime soon.  

we bowled with perfect form

we smiled when not throwing gutter balls
(and laughed when we did)

we prayed to the universe to blow the ball
"just an inch to the left"

we bowled some more

and we rocked that alley so hard that we had to bring home a souvenir

1 comment:

  1. I think it's so cool that you have date nights with your boys...they'll always remember those.

    You rock as a Mom.
