February 5, 2011

I've got Super Bowl FEVER ... literally!

Posted by meli on Saturday, February 05, 2011 in , | No comments

We went out today to look for some additional Packers gear, but alas, we came up dry. Being so far away from the "main event" ... the stores here didn't even really stock up. They were just happy to sell their left over merchandise from the season. :-/  And to think, I even went to the mall to look. The MALL! Curse the mall... the wretched bastard that she is!

It's times like these when I really start to feel homesick for Wisconsin. The energy there right now has to be amazing, and I find myself longing to be a part of it. The history, the excitement, the family ... I miss it.  

So much, infact, that I jumped online to check out the state's homeschooling laws and real estate prices. I mean ... we ARE getting ready to move, and we haven't yet zeroed in on exactly where this move will take us. 

Ahem ... *cough*

I don't think I'd enjoy living in that much snow for such a long period of time again. I enjoy the snow, but only when it's sporadic (once or twice a year), and melts in a coupla days. The sun... I *heart* the sun! But, the beauty of this move is that it's OURS. While I did enjoy the military solely for the fact that it enabled us to travel and live in places we wouldn't have otherwise chosen; I am SO looking forward to spreading my wings, and fully embracing the freebird, tumbleweed, gypsy that I am. If we do decide to give Wisconsin a whirl, it doesn't have to be (and probably wont be) permanent. We can leave when the mood strikes. 

Ahhh ... freedom. It's a wonderful thing. 


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