December 24, 2010

Funky Music Friday ... Happy Xmas - War is Over

Posted by meli on Friday, December 24, 2010 in , | 1 comment
It's Christmas Eve ... would there be another song I'd choose? ;-)

During the holidays so many are in a mad rush to buy, buy, buy. It's the season of giving, after all, and we're a very trained society. We spend ridiculous amounts of money on gadgets and gizmos, gifts and grub, and somewhere in there we lose the true spirit of what it means to "give".

This video is a humbling reminder of those less fortunate then us. It doesn't have to be depressing; let it uplift you. Let it soar through your soul knowing you can do something to help. Tis the season of giving ... let that SHINE!

Someone at Nicks work put our family in for the adopt a Soldier and their Family project. We found out after the gifts were already bought and ready to be handed to us. Armfuls of gifts! And if that wasn't enough ... there was a gift card included also. Extremely generous, right? We all talked about it and decided that the kids would each pick out one of the gifts, and the rest we'd donate to children who otherwise wouldn't have anything. The gift card money was used to buy a bunch of food and some paper lunch sacks. We filled the sacks, and we delivered them to a downtown park this evening for the homeless people; who otherwise wouldn't have anything to eat on Christmas. They were extremely grateful, and so were we.

Our Holidays are very modest. We do a lot of homemade gifts that we wrap up for each other ... little tokens of our hearts.  We keep it simple. Our spirits are full in giving to those less fortunate then we are. Spread the Love!

Happy Xmas - War is Over  ~John Lennon
(Happy Xmas Kyoko
Happy Xmas Jullian)

So this is Xmas 
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear ones
The old and the young

A very merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

And so this is Xmas 

(War is over) 
For weak and for strong
(If you want it)
For rich and the poor ones

(War is over)
The world is so wrong


And so Happy Xmas

(War is over)
For black and for white

(If you want it)
For yellow and red ones 

(War is over)
Let's stop all the fight 


A very merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

And so this is Xmas 

(War is over)
And what have we done 

(If you want it)
Another year over 

(War is over)
And a new one just begun 


And so Happy Xmas 
(War is over)
I hope you have fun 

(If you want it)
The near and the dear one 

(War is over)
The old and the young 


A very merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

War is over if you want it
War is over now 

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