December 17, 2010

Funky Music Friday ... Light Up Ya' Lighter

Posted by meli on Friday, December 17, 2010 in , , | No comments
Todays Funky Music Friday selection is from an artist you'll probably see featured here on the blog a bunch ... love him! <3

I picked this particular song of his today because of my family's current status in the military; the medical review process we're going through. Once every bit of Nick's ginormous medical record was gone through with a fine toothed comb, summarized, and put into a much smaller, more manageable report for the medical review board, the information was some what overwhelming. We've been living the effects every single day, but seeing it all there on one form, in black and white, it was a testament to just how much of himself he gave to our military; to the war. His mental and physical being has been greatly diminished ... and for what? To be used as a tool, a political pawn for capital gain.

He's home now, and we are within weeks of being set free, but there are so many more just like him that are still fighting. Lift em up! Light it up! Bring em home!

(I chose this "video" for the lack of distraction - 

listen to the words!)

Light Up Ya' Lighter ~Michael Franti & Spearhead
It never makes no sense
It never makes no sense

Fire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter
Fire, fire, fire

Armegeddon is a deadly day
Armegeddon is a deadly way
They're coming for you everyday
While senators on a holiday
The army recruiters in the parking lot
Hustling kids, they're juggling pot
"Listen young man, listen to my plan
Gonna make you money, gonna make you a man.
(bomb, bomb)
Here's what you get, 
An M16 and a kevlar vest
You might come home with one less leg 
But this thing will surely keep a bullet out your chest
So come on, come on, sign up, come on
This one's nothing like Vietnam
Except for the bullets, except for the bombs
Except for the youth that's gone"

So we keep it on, 'til you're coming home
higher and higher
Fire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter
Fire, fire, fire
So we keep it on, 'til you're coming home
higher and higher
Fire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter
Fire, fire, fire

Tell me president tell me if you will
How many people does a smart bomb kill?
How many of them do you think we got?
The general says we never miss shot
And we never ever ever keep a body count
We're killing so efficiently we can't keep count
In the afghan hills the rebels still fighting
Opium fields keep on providing
The best heroin that money can buy and
No body knows where Osama bin hiding
The press conferences keep on lying
Like we don't know

So we keep it on, 'til you're coming home
higher and higher
Fire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter
Fire, fire, fire
So we keep it on, 'til you're coming home
higher and higher
Fire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter
Fire, fire, fire

So Mr engine, engine, number 9
Machine guns on a New York transit line
The war for oil is a war for the beast
The war on terror is a war on peace
Telling you they're gonna protect you
Telling you that they support the troops and 
Don't let 'em fool you with their milk and honey
Naw, they only want your money
One step forward and 2 step back
One step forward and 2 step back
Why do veterans get no respect
PTSD and a broken back
Take a look at where your money's gone (seen)
Take a look at what they spend it on
No excuses, no illusions
Light up ya lighter, bring 'em home

So we keep it on, 'til you're coming home
higher and higher
Fire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter
Fire, fire, fire
So we keep it on, til you're coming home
higher and higher
Fire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter
Fire, fire, fire

So we keep it on, til you're coming home
higher and higher
Fire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter
Fire, fire, fire
So we keep it on, til you're coming home
higher and higher
Fire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter
Fire, fire, fire


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