October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011

Posted by meli on Sunday, October 30, 2011 in , , , , | No comments
Monk, Barney Stinson, and Sir Vampire

with a Witch... and Satan, too. 

It's not really Halloween today.
But the area is celebrating it anyway.
If a holiday doesn't fit into your schedule.
Don't shift your schedule.
Just move the holiday.
Sounds totally reasonable, right?
Any-Way; trick or treating was tonight.
We opted not to go.
We don't eat the candy anyway.
And I don't need to be tempted; thankyouverymuch.
We were going to trick or treat for unicef again.
But decided not to. 
We went to get lost in a corn maze instead.
And lost we did get.
Even with color coded tape etching out the paths.
How does that happen?
And then it started to rain.
And the wind was already turbo whipping.
And then we were freezing.
We couldn't stop.
Had to find the bridge.
The bridge was so important.
I don't know why.
But it was.
Further and further into the maze.
Couldn't see over our heads anymore. 
Dripping wet.
All turned around.
Good Times!


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